See publications by category.
Check also on Google Schoolar, DBLP, and ACM DL.



  1. Clun, D., Shin, D., Filieri, A. and Bianculli, D. Rigorous Assessment of Model Inference Accuracy using Language Cardinality. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. (Jan. 2024).
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  1. Hossain, S.B., Filieri, A., Dwyer, M.B., Elbaum, S. and Visser, W. Neural-Based Test Oracle Generation: A Large-scale Evaluation and Lessons Learned. Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2023).
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  2. Banerjee, S. et al. Compositional Taint Analysis for Enforcing Security and Privacy Policies at Scale. Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2023).
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  3. Leeson, W., Dwyer, M. and Filieri, A. Sibyl: Improving Software Engineering Tools with SMT Selection. Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE, 2023), 2185–2197, [Acceptance rate 209/796, 26%]. ACM Distinguished Paper Award
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  4. Ji, X. and Filieri, A. Probabilistic Counterexample Guidance for Safer Reinforcement Learning. 20th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST, 2023), 311–328.
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  1. Wang, R., Casale, G. and Filieri, A. Estimating Multiclass Service Demand Distributions Using Markovian Arrival Processes. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 33, 1–2 (Feb. 2023).
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  1. Hossain, S.B., Filieri, A., Dwyer, M.B., Elbaum, S. and Visser, W. Neural-Based Test Oracle Generation: A Large-scale Evaluation and Lessons Learned (preprint).
  2. Ji, X. and Filieri, A. Probabilistic Counterexample Guidance for Safer Reinforcement Learning (Extended Version).




  1. Christakis, M. et al. Input Splitting for Cloud-Based Static Application Security Testing Platforms. Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2022), 1367–1378.
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  2. Wang, R., Casale, G. and Filieri, A. Enhancing Performance Modeling of Serverless Functions via Static Analysis. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC, 2022), 71–88. Best Paper Award
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  1. Clun, D., Shin, D., Filieri, A. and Bianculli, D. Rigorous Assessment of Model Inference Accuracy using Language Cardinality. arXiv.
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  1. Alnafessah, A., Gias, A.U., Wang, R., Zhu, L., Casale, G. and Filieri, A. Quality-Aware DevOps Research: Where Do We Stand? IEEE Access. 9, (2021), 44476–44489.
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  1. Luo, Y., Filieri, A. and Zhou, Y. SYMPAIS: SYMbolic Parallel Adaptive Importance Sampling for Probabilistic Program Analysis. Proceedings of the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2021), 23–28, [Acceptance rate 97/396, 24.5%].
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  2. Wang, R., Casale, G. and Filieri, A. Service Distribution Estimation for Microservices Using Markovian Arrival Processes. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST, 2021), 1–19.
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  1. Luo, Y., Filieri, A. and Zhou, Y. Symbolic Parallel Adaptive Importance Sampling for Probabilistic Program Analysis. Extended version.
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  1. Converse, H., Filieri, A., Gopinath, D. and Păsăreanu, C.S. Probabilistic Symbolic Analysis of Neural Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) (ISSRE, 2020), 148–159.
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  2. Clun, D., Heerden, P. van, Filieri, A. and Visser, W. Improving Symbolic Automata Learning with Concolic Execution. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE, 2020), 3–26.
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  1. Kotegov, I. and Filieri, A. Towards Coordinated Autoscaling and Application Brownout at the Orchestrator Level. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps (QUDOS, 2020), 269–274.
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  2. Luo, Y., Filieri, A. and Zhou, Y. SYMPAIS: SYMbolic Parallel Adaptive Importance Sampling for Probabilistic Program Analysis. International Conference on Probabilistic Programming.
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  1. Ralph, P. et al. ACM SIGSOFT Empirical Standards.
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  2. Păsăreanu, C., Converse, H., Filieri, A. and Gopinath, D. On the Probabilistic Analysis of Neural Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS, 2020), 5–8.
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  1. Heiden, S., Grunske, L., Kehrer, T., Keller, F., Hoorn, A. van, Filieri, A. and Lo, D. An evaluation of pure spectrum-based fault localization techniques for large-scale software systems. Software: Practice and Experience. (2019), 1–28.
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  1. Yang, G., Filieri, A., Borges, M., Clun, D. and Wen, J. Advances in Symbolic Execution. A.M. Memon, ed. Elsevier. 225–287.
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  1. Maggio, M., Papadopoulos, A.V., Filieri, A. and Hoffmann, H. Automated Control of Multiple Software Goals using Multiple Actuators. Proceedings of the 12th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2017), 373–384, [Acceptance rate 72/295, 24.4%].
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  2. Keller, F., Grunske, L., Heiden, S., Filieri, A., van Hoorn, A. and Lo, D. A Critical Evaluation of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization Techniques on A Large-Scale Software System. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS, 2017), [Acceptance rate 25/97, 25.7%].
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  1. Filieri, A. et al. Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems. ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst. 11, 4 (2017), 24:1–24:31.
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  1. Borges, M., Phan, Q.-S., Filieri, A. and Pasareanu, C.S. Model-Counting Approaches for Nonlinear Numerical Constraints. NASA Formal Methods: 9th International Symposium (NFM, 2017), 131–138.
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  2. Maggio, M., Papadopoulos, A.V., Filieri, A. and Hoffmann, H. Self-adaptive video encoder: comparison of multiple adaptation strategies made simple. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS-artifacts, 2017). Best Artifact Award
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Book chapters

  1. Dwyer, M.B., Filieri, A., Geldenhuys, J., Gerrard, M., Păsăreanu, C.S. and Visser, W. Probabilistic Program Analysis. Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering: International Summer School GTTSE 2015. J. Cunha, J.P. Fernandes, R. Laemmel, J. Saraiva, and V. Zaytsev, eds. Springer. 1–25.
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  2. Spinner, S., Filieri, A., Kounev, S., Maggio, M. and Robertsson, A. Run-Time Models for Online Performance and Resource Management in Data Centers. Self-Aware Computing Systems. S. Kounev, J.O. Kephart, A. Milenkoski, and X. Zhu, eds. Springer. 485–505.
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  3. Kephart, J.O., Diaconescu, A., Giese, H., Robertsson, A., Abdelzaher, T., Lewis, P., Filieri, A., Esterle, L. and Frey, S. Self-adaptation in Collective Self-aware Computing Systems. Self-Aware Computing Systems. S. Kounev, J.O. Kephart, A. Milenkoski, and X. Zhu, eds. Springer. 401–435.
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  1. Filieri, A., Tamburrelli, G. and Ghezzi, C. Supporting Self-adaptation via Quantitative Verification and Sensitivity Analysis at Run Time. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 42, 1 (2016), 75–99.
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  1. Filieri, A. and Maggio, M. Control Theory for Software Engineering: Technical Briefing. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-TechBriefing, 2016), 908–910.
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Technical reports

  1. Filieri, A., Kwiatkowska, M., Misailovic, S. and Mytkowicz, T. Approximate and Probabilistic Computing: Design, Coding, Verification. Dagstuhl Reports. 5, 11 (2016), 151–179.
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  1. Filieri, A., Hoffmann, H. and Maggio, M. Automated Multi-Objective Control for Self-Adaptive Software Design. Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2015), 13–24, [Acceptance rate 74/291, 25.4%].
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  2. Borges, M., Filieri, A., d’Amorim, M. and Păsăreanu, C.S. Iterative Distribution-Aware Sampling for Probabilistic Symbolic Execution. Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2015), 866–877, [Acceptance rate 74/291, 25.4%].
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  3. Filieri, A., Grunske, L. and Leva, A. Lightweight Adaptive Filtering for Efficient Learning and Updating of Probabilistic Models. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE, 2015), 200–211, [Acceptance rate 84/452, 18.5%].
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  4. Filieri, A. et al. Software Engineering Meets Control Theory. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS, 2015), [Acceptance rate 16/55, 29%].
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  5. Filieri, A., Frias, M.F., Păsăreanu, C.S. and Visser, W. Model Counting for Complex Data Structures. Model Checking Software (SPIN, 2015), 222–241.
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  6. Arcelli, D., Cortellessa, V., Filieri, A. and Leva, A. Control Theory for Model-based Performance-driven Software Adaptation. Proceedings of the 11th International ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA, 2015).
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  1. Bianculli, D., Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C. and Mandrioli, D. Syntactic-semantic incrementality for agile verification. Science of Computer Programming. 97, Part 1, (2015), 47–54.
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  1. Bianculli, D., Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C., Mandrioli, D. and Rizzi, A.M. Syntax-driven Program Verification of Matching Logic Properties. Proceedings of the 3rd FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE, 2015), 68–74.
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  2. Filieri, A., Pasareanu, C.S. and Yang, G. Quantification of Software Changes through Probabilistic Symbolic Execution. Summit on Advances in Programming Languages. Position paper
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  3. Filieri, A., Pasareanu, C.S. and Yang, G. Quantification of Software Changes through Probabilistic Symbolic Execution (New Ideas). 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) (2015), 703–708.
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  4. Filieri, A., Hoffmann, H. and Maggio, M. Automated Design of Self-Adaptive Software with Control-Theoretical Formal Guarantees. Software Engineering 2015, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik (SE, 2015). Invited
  5. Filieri, A., Pasareanu, C.S., Visser, W. and Geldenhuys, J. Statistical Symbolic Execution with Informed Sampling. Software Engineering 2015, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik (SE, 2015). Invited




  1. Borges, M., Filieri, A., d’Amorim, M., Păsăreanu, C.S. and Visser, W. Compositional Solution Space Quantification for Probabilistic Software Analysis. Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI, 2014), 123–132, [Acceptance rate 52/287, 18.1%].
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  2. Filieri, A., Hoffmann, H. and Maggio, M. Automated Design of Self-adaptive Software with Control-theoretical Formal Guarantees. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE, 2014), 299–310, [Acceptance rate 99/495, 20%].
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  3. Filieri, A., Păsăreanu, C.S., Visser, W. and Geldenhuys, J. Statistical Symbolic Execution with Informed Sampling. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE, 2014), 437–448, [Acceptance rate 61/273, 22%].
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  4. Luckow, K., Păsăreanu, C.S., Dwyer, M.B., Filieri, A. and Visser, W. Exact and Approximate Probabilistic Symbolic Execution for Nondeterministic Programs. Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE, 2014), 575–586, [Acceptance rate 55/337, 16.3%].
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  5. Bianculli, D., Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C. and Mandrioli, D. Incremental Syntactic-Semantic Reliability Analysis of Evolving Structured Workflows. Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change (IS0LA, 2014), 41–55.
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  1. Borges, M., Filieri, A., d’Amorim, M., Păsăreanu, C.S. and Visser, W. Compositional Solution Space Quantification for Probabilistic Software Analysis. SIGPLAN Not. 49, 6 (2014), 123–132, [Special issue on PLDI 2014].
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  2. Ciancone, A., Drago, M.L., Filieri, A., Grassi, V., Koziolek, H. and Mirandola, R. The KlaperSuite framework for model-driven reliability analysis of component-based systems. Software & Systems Modeling. 13, 4 (2014), 1269–1290.
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  3. Ciancone, A., Filieri, A. and Mirandola, R. Testing operational transformations in model-driven engineering. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 10, 1 (2014), 19–32.
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  1. Filieri, A. and Pasareanu, C.S. On the Probabilistic Symbolic Analysis of Programs. SIGPLAN Workshop on Probabilistic and Approximate Computing. Invited
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  2. Filieri, A., Pasareanu, C.S. and Visser, W. Reliability Analysis in Symbolic Pathfinder: A brief summary. Software Engineering 2014, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik (SE, 2014), 39–40. Invited
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  1. Filieri, A., Păsăreanu, C.S. and Visser, W. Reliability Analysis in Symbolic Pathfinder. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE, 2013), 622–631, [Acceptance rate 85/461, 18.5%].
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  1. Gambi, A., Filieri, A. and Dustdar, S. Iterative Test Suites Refinement for Elastic Computing Systems. Proceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2013), 635–638, [Acceptance rate 12/33, 36.4%].
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Book chapters

  1. Filieri, A. and Tamburrelli, G. Probabilistic Verification at Runtime for Self-Adaptive Systems. Assurances for Self-Adaptive Systems. J. Cámara, R. de Lemos, C. Ghezzi, and A. Lopes, eds. Springer. 30–59.
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Technical reports

  1. Bianculli, D., Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C. and Mandrioli, D. A Syntactic-Semantic Approach to Incremental Verification. CoRR.
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  1. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C., Leva, A. and Maggio, M. Autotuning control structures for reliability-driven dynamic binding. Proceedings of the IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC, 2012), 418–423.
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  2. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C., Leva, A. and Maggio, M. Discrete-time dynamic modeling for software and services composition as an extension of the Markov chain approach. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA, 2012), 557–562.
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  3. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C., Leva, A. and Maggio, M. Reliability-driven Dynamic Binding via Feedback Control. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS, 2012), 43–52, [Acceptance rate 15/50, 30%].
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  1. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C. and Tamburrelli, G. A formal approach to adaptive software: continuous assurance of non-functional requirements. Formal Aspects of Computing. 24, 2 (2012), 163–186.
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  1. Filieri, A. and Ghezzi, C. Further steps towards efficient runtime verification: Handling probabilistic cost models. Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Rigorous and Agile Approaches (FormSERA, 2012), 2–8, [Acceptance rate 50%].
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Book chapters

  1. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C., Mirandola, R. and Tamburrelli, G. Conquering Complexity via Seamless Integration of Design-Time and Run-Time Verification. Conquering Complexity. M. Hinchey and L. Coyle, eds. Springer. 253–275.
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  1. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C., Leva, A. and Maggio, M. Self-adaptive Software Meets Control Theory: A Preliminary Approach Supporting Reliability Requirements. Proceedings of the 2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE, 2011), 283–292, [Acceptance rate 37/252, 14.7%].
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  2. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C. and Tamburrelli, G. Run-time Efficient Probabilistic Model Checking. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE, 2011), 341–350, [Acceptance rate 62/441, 14.1%]. ACM SigSoft Distinguished Paper Award
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  3. Ciancone, A., Filieri, A., Drago, M.L., Mirandola, R. and Grassi, V. KlaperSuite: An Integrated Model-Driven Environment for Reliability and Performance Analysis of Component-Based Systems. Objects, Models, Components, Patterns (TOOLS, 2011), 99–114, [Acceptance rate 19/66, 28.8%].
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  4. Distefano, S., Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C. and Mirandola, R. A Compositional Method for Reliability Analysis of Workflows Affected by Multiple Failure Modes. Proceedings of the 14th International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE, 2011), 149–158, [Acceptance rate 29%].
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  1. Filieri, A. QoS Verification and Model Tuning @ Runtime. Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium and the 13th European Conference on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE, 2011), 408–411, Doctoral Symposium.
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  1. Ciancone, A., Filieri, A. and Mirandola, R. MANTra: Towards Model Transformation Testing. Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC), 2010 Seventh International Conference on the (QUATIC, 2010), 97–105, [Acceptance rate 16/140, 11.4%]. Best Paper Award of the Verification and Validation Track
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  2. Filieri, A., Ghezzi, C., Grassi, V. and Mirandola, R. Reliability Analysis of Component-based Systems with Multiple Failure Modes. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE, 2010), 1–20, [Acceptance rate 14/48, 29.2%]. Best Paper Award
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